Up Ruedi's Fotoalbum » USA » 2009 Prev Next Slideshow

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13_Colorado National Monument_1
13_Colorado National Monument_2
13_Colorado National Monument_3
13_Colorado National Monument_4
14_Black Canyon of the Gunnison North Rim_1
14_Black Canyon of the Gunnison North Rim_2
  14_Black Canyon of the Gunnison North Rim_3.jpg  
14_Black Canyon of the Gunnison North Rim_4
15_Black Canyon of the Gunnison South Rim_01
15_Black Canyon of the Gunnison South Rim_02
15_Black Canyon of the Gunnison South Rim_03
15_Black Canyon of the Gunnison South Rim_04
15_Black Canyon of the Gunnison South Rim_05

 14 Black Canyon of the Gunnison North Rim 3
ISO-Einstellung: 100 | Belichtungszeit: 1/400s | Blendenöffnung: 5.6 | Brennweite: 200.0mm | Breitengrad: N 38°35'3.60" | Längengrad: W 107°42'40.34" | Höhe über NN: 2370 metres | Karte anzeigen
Anzahl Bilder: 196 | Hilfe